Well as ya'll know we are newlyweds! One of the best perks of being newly married is all the fun gadgets you get to play with. For the last couple months we have been living with [Duke]'s parents, so we haven't been able to use are awesome new toys. This past week my parents were out of town, so we willingly housesat their home. We went all week just using my mom's stuff, but on the last night Jarred wanted to pull out this baby. Now if anyone knew me leading up to the wedding, they knew I wanted this mixer! I loved it! So, it was even more great when my best friend got it for us (she is lame and doesn't have a blog or I would tag her). The picture above is our start to making homemade pizza dough. Now, it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't the best (we have some perfecting to do). So, I wanted to share with the blogging world are first real, homemade, just us two, using our new presents, Friday-night-in meal! Thanks for letting me share!
Yay! for a new post. Love your pretty mixer! Next you should make The Duke a homemade strawberry cake :)